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Le regroupement des artistes de Rosemère

Inscription form\Membership


The Rosemère Artists Gathering is a non-profit organisation, for the artists of Rosemère and vicinity, amateurs, semi-professionals and professionals in visual arts and in arts and crafts.



Facilitate the gathering of the artists of Rosemère and vicinity in order to exchange and share ideas and  new techniques.

 Promote visual arts and arts and crafts through exhibitions, workshops and lectures.

 Make the artists of the R.A.G. better known to the general public.


Who can become member of the R.A.G.?


The artists of Rosemère (60 %) and vicinity (40 %), amateurs, semi-professionals and professionals in visual arts and in arts and crafts (ceramic, stained glass, sculpture etc).

Annual subscription: payable on 30th June of each year.


$30 for the residents of Rosemère

$40 for the non-residents of Rosemère


To become member of the R.A.G.

Be available for occasional voluntary work and take part to at least two workshop



  • a proof of residence: driver's license or municipal tax copy.

  • a motivation letter

  • a short artistic CV and/or artist, biography (1 page)

  • 3 photographs of your artworks well identified on the back of each: name of the artist, title and format, medium (visual arts) or specialty (artworks)

  • fill in the form below

  • send everything with your subscription (cheque payable to R.A.R.) to:


Study of applications

residents of Rosemère: December and June

non-residents of Rosemère: August



Name: ________________________________________________________

Address_______________________________________________________        _______________________________________________________________                                                                          Tel.:    _________________________    Cell._________________________

E mail _________________________________________________________                                                                         Web site: _____________________________________________________

Visual Art - Medium: __________________________________________


Mail to :

RAR – A/s : Diane Cyr, Responsable des adhésions

325 Ch. Grande Côte, Rosemère, J7A 1K2




R.A.R. site web:                            


Site web:       

Information: 450-621-3500 ext. 7383


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